17. August 2007

Lessons for Big Systems


Take load from the DB

  • Finally the DB is the bottleneck.
  • There is only one DB (cluster), but there can be hundreds of CPUs (web server) and caches (memcache server).
  • Let the CPUs work. 10 web server CPU cycles are better, than 1 DB CPU cycle.
  • Aim at 0,1 DB operations per web page by average.
  • Make it F5-safe. No DB operations for page reloads. No DB for views.
Avoid SQL
  • Keep all live data in memory.
  • Store only for persistency, not for report generation.
  • Use a quick storage, storing 50.000 items per sec is possible
  • DB != SQL, there are quicker interfaces
  • The index is always in memory. That's what SQL DBs are good for.
  • But there are other indexes as well.
External IDs
  • Do not use DB IDs externally. Map all IDs.
  • Use memcache to map external IDs to internal (often DB) IDs.
  • Use memcache as a huge hashtable.
  • External IDs may be strings. After the mapping continue with numbers internally.
DB search loves numbers
  • Everything you search for must be indexed.
  • Avoid indexes on TEXT, VARCHAR. INSERT with index takes significantly longer for text.
  • You may store text in the DB, but do not search for it.
  • You may spend some CPU to map text IDs to numbers for the DB.
100,000 concurrent
  • Imagine 1% of your users are doing the same thing in an instant.
  • If it affects online users, then each task is x 100,000.
  • If it affects all users then everything is x 1-10 Mio.
  • Anything must be at at least 1000/per sec.
  • Do maintenance all the time. There will never be a time of the day where load is so small, that you can cleanup something. Cleanup permanently.
Memcache every business object
  • No object is constructed from the DB.
  • Everything is buffered by the cache.
  • Code with real interfaces, which can be cache-enabled later.
Code for the speed
  • Code for the cache. It is there. It is essential. No way to pretend it is not just for the "beauty" of the code.
  • Write beautiful cache-aware code.
Memcache frontend data
  • Parsing template costs much CPU.
  • Cache generated HTML fragments.
Do not overload the cache
  • Not more than 10 memcache requests per script.
  • If you expect many items, say a mailbos with many messages, then put a summary into a list (mailbox) object even though the same information is in the individual messages.
No statistics on the live system
  • Occasionally they want statistics. Don't do it live.
  • Take snapshots, take the backup. Process it somewhere else.
  • Make statistics offline.
Simple SELECTs
  • Use only simple SELECTs on indexed columns
  • Forbidden keywords: JOIN, ORDER BY
  • Structure and code must guarantee small DB results.
  • Sort in the code not in the DB.
  • If you really need aggregated data, then aggregate permanently. Do not aggregate on demand.
Basics and Trivialities:

Distribute everything
  • Do not rely on a single server for a task.
Check all input

  • Check ALL input.
  • Not only query params are input.
  • Cookies, HTTP header fields are also input.
SQL injection
  • SQL-escape all data in SQL strings.
  • Use prepared statements and variables.
  • Use a real programming language.
  • Use a compiled language, because the compiler eliminates errors.
  • You will have errors which will wake you at night. So, reduce errors by any means, even if you like script languages.
  • Simple deployment of script languages won't work anyway in the long run, because you will switch on caching and you will have to invalidate the script cache for deployment.

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