29. Juli 2010

IBM recommends XMPP for Realtime Web Apps

There is a new tutorial from IBM about how to build modern realtime web apps. In the tutorial IBM suggests using XMPP, BOSH from JavaScript. It is worth reading.


This is exactly how weblin.lite was built 2 years. Even including the HTTP proxy to circumvent the JavaScript security limitation, tunneling XMPP through HTTP with BOSH, using a real XMPP server for message routing and a JavaScript XMPP client library to communicate. Also: jQuery, Ajaj, XML, JSON, WebServices, mysql. Basically, all the cool web-tech stuff we like.

Congrats to the weblin dev team. The best dev team I've ever had.


Yes, we have been there. Now it is so much a standard, that IBM recommends the technology. It will be picked up by many others and we are already the experts. So much for certain ignorant investors and business angels, who do not recognize technology in their portfolio, even if it jumps into their face. We will be there without you.

23. Juli 2010

Vorbereitung für Tokio

Morgen Samstag 13:55 fliege ich von von Hamburg nach Frankfurt. Nach 5 h Aufenthalt (war billiger) von Frankfurt nach Tokio. Komme dort Sonntag
15 h Ortszeit an.

Tokio hat 7 h Unterschied zu Schland. Wenn hier 10 h ist, ist dort schon 17 h. Die Japaner sind uns was voraus. Ich werde da 3 Wochen sein. Und es wird heiss. Habe viele T-Shirts dabei.

Treffe in Tokio einen alten Freund aus Weblin-Zeiten. Mal sehen was da in Japan so geht Das wird ein Spass. Und ein Abenteuer - lost in translation.


22. Juli 2010

Virtual Goods Ticker

I just moved the Virtual Goods Ticker to its own domain.

Until recently, the Virtual Goods Ticker was hosted by this blog and all news updates constitued a single page/posing on this blog. From now on Virtual Goods Ticker is a blog in its own right with its own domain http://www.virtualgoodsticker.com and you can subscribe to the RSS feed.

The Virtual Goods Ticker provides daily updated news about:

  • virtual goods,
  • virtual items,
  • real money transfer (RMT),
  • micro payments, and
  • free to play business models.